As every year as Christmas approaches, the CNIL recalls a few tips on connected toys and in particular their security.
The CNIL recommends in particular to:
– check that the toy does not allow anyone to connect to it (check that its pairing with a smartphone or on the Internet requires a physical access button to the toy or the use of a password);
– change the default setting of the toy (password, PIN code, etc.);
– secure access to the online account attached to the toy with a strong password different from your other accounts;
– check that the object has a light when it is listening or transmitting information on the Internet;
– say as little as possible at the time of registration: for example, give a random date of birth if the system needs to determine an age;
– create a specific email address for the toys used by the child;
– use pseudonyms as much as possible instead of the child’s name / first name.
All of the CNIL’s advice can be found below: